精品咖啡(Specialty coffee )這個很帥的字眼在台灣我看就快要家喻戶曉了,走到哪裡掛著精品咖啡名號的咖啡館可是所在多有(當然vvcafe也掛著),但其實精品這個字義本身並不是那麼明確,所以大多數人還是沒辦法辨別是否有符合精品咖啡的精神,以下我們就來聊聊精品咖啡的定義。
以下是美國精品咖啡協會網站上對何謂精品咖啡(What is Specialty Coffee? )的回答
Specialty coffee can consistently exist through the dedication of the people who have made it their life’s work to continually make quality their highest priority. This is not the work of only one person in the lifecycle of a coffee bean; specialty can only occur when all of those involved in the coffee value chain work in harmony and maintain a keen focus on standards and excellence from start to finish. This is no easy accomplishment, and yet because of these dedicated professionals, there are numerous specialty coffees available right now, across the globe, and likely right around the corner from you.
Meet the people whose lifework is specialty coffee:
The farmer
Great coffee starts with the PRODUCER whose family likely has spent generations perfecting their approach to farming the highest quality coffee possible. Grown in select altitudes and climates and nursed for years before the first harvest, the producer who creates specialty coffee devotes his or her life to refining and perfecting the highest quality coffee on the planet. For them, it is quality not quantity that is the most important consideration. Only coffees free of defects and picked at their peak of ripeness will continue on to the next hands that will shape them. For the farmer, being able to connect with quality-minded buyers ensures a higher profit option which supports individuals, families and communities around the world.
The Green Coffee Buyer
Green coffee is next transferred to the GREEN COFFEE BUYER who may be certified by the SCAA as a Certified Coffee Taster or the Coffee Quality Institute (CQI) as a Licensed Q Grader. They have a palate as distinguished as a sommelier and can keenly identify coffee quality via cupping, or systematic tasting of brewed coffees. Through cupping, the coffee taster can assess a coffee’s score and determine whether it is specialty grade quality, make decisions on which coffees they will include in their offerings, and often develop tasting notes and descriptions for the coffee on its final packaging. The green coffee buyer has a large role in communicating the information about a coffee to the roaster and café staff.